Sit-Stand Coccyx / Tailbone X-rays After Coccygectomy?

I was recently asked: Do I order sitting-versus-standing coccyx x-rays for patients who have persistent pain after coccygectomy (surgical removal of the coccyx/tailbone).


1) First of all, do we know for sure whether the ENTIRE tailbone has indeed been surgically removed?

If we know for sure that the entire tailbone has been […]

Complete Coccygectomy versus Partial Coccygectomy

What is coccygectomy? Coccygectomy is the surgical amputation of the coccyx. During coccygectomy, the coccyx (tailbone) is removed. Who needs coccygectomy? Coccygectomy is only medically necessary in a relatively small fraction of patients with coccydynia (tailbone pain, coccyx pain). Typically, coccygectomy is reserved for those patients who have failed to get adequate relief despite a […]

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