4 Reasons why Tailbone Fractures and Dislocations Can NOT be Treated like Other Body Regions

Why can’t you just treat coccyx pain or injuries the same way you would treat other musculoskeletal injuries? There are 4 main reasons: #1: You can NOT put a CAST on the tailbone. Unlike an injury to your arm or leg, you can not put a CAST on your tailbone. #2: You can NOT use […]

e-Book on Tailbone Pain: Now Available on Amazon

Get your e-book version of Dr. Foye’s internationally acclaimed book, Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Yes, this week we are excited to announce that this book is now also available in electronic, e-book form, on Amazon.com, at a fraction of the cost of the paper book. Learn the tips, tricks, and secrets you need to get […]

Book Now Available! Click on the book to get it now:

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