Coccyx Book overview: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!” Infographic

Here is an Infographic showing all the chapters in the coccyx book “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!”

#CoccyxPain #TailbonePain #Tailbone #Coccydynia

Infographic showing all the chapters in the coccyx book “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!” #CoccyxPain #TailbonePain #Tailbone #Coccydynia

COME FOR RELIEF: For more information on coccyx pain, or to be evaluated in-person at Dr. […]

Carmichael Throne Chairs and Drummer Stools for Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain

A few of my patients with tailbone pain are professional drummers.

One of them recently told me that he finds the Carmichael Throne Chairs (more specifically their stools for drummers) to be significantly helpful when he needs to sit for a prolonged duration when drumming during a set for a live gig.

I don’t sponsor […]

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