Going from 2017 to 2018: Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia

Happy New Year 2018!

Let’s Review 2017 and Plan for 2018, regarding educating others about Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain
Here is the TEXT from the Video. (The actual video itself is down at the bottom of this page.)
  • Hi. I’m Dr. Patrick Foye.
  • I’m an M.D. or medical doctor and I am the Director of the Coccyx Pain Center or here in New Jersey in the United States. I’m online at www.TailboneDoctor.com.
  • And this is a short video about the end of the year for 2017 and start of the year for 2018.
  • So just looking back in 2017. It’s been a great year connecting with people around the country and around the world online between Facebook and YouTube videos and such.
  • It’s really been terrific being able to connect with so many of you and hopefully provide helpful information.
  • In 2017 I did 24 videos on my YouTube channel, mostly all related to the coccyx, which is more videos in that year that I did in the previous nine years of making videos on YouTube.
  • Also, on my blog posts of online articles that I’ve written about tailbone pain, there’s more than 40 of those, I believe, in 2017.
  • Those you can find online at www.TailboneDoctor.com and then just click the tab for the blogs.
  • And I’m always looking for more ideas, so definitely post down below if you’ve found the video format to be helpful, or the blog post format to be helpful, or if you have comments, or questions about topics that you think would be helpful for me to cover.
  • I don’t do online specific medical advice for individuals, but I offer educational content and topics.
  • So if you’re having a tough time understanding, well… what’s the difference between MRI and CT scan… or what type of x-ray is best… or how do you know if there’s an infection at the tailbone… or a cyst… or cancer.
  • Whatever your questions may be. If something’s not clear from videos and blog posts that I’ve already done or from my book on tailbone pain (Tailbone Pain Relief Now!) or if you don’t have access to the book [there are people around the world in different countries… I know the print copy you can get certainly in the United States and Canada and United Kingdom and Europe. But I know in a lot of other countries you would have to mail you would have to pay the International shipping.
  • There’s an eBook version electronic book version through Amazon, which you can get worldwide any place that you have internet access. You do not need a Kindle to read it.
  • But even so, I know there’s a lot of people who just prefer learning in a video fashion, rather than reading a full 272 page book.
  • And the videos also allow us to interact more because you can put comments down below the videos and then I can respond to those and maybe make a follow-up video, or even just a reply.
  • So, the general idea then is: I’m going to try to do more of these through 2018.
  • I’m definitely interested in your feedback as to what format works well for you, what topics you’d like covered, so that I can provide information that’s helpful for you.
  • One idea that I had would be basically going through the book almost a chapter by chapter and just providing a summary of what is in each chapter because that’ll sort of lead through all the different causes of tailbone pain, the different treatment options and that may be one format to go through.
  • I will not read the entire book out loud because it’s 272 pages and more than 50 thousand words, so we would be here for a long long time and I’d have a very sore throat.
  • But in short bits it may be helpful to just summarize parts of it as we go through.
  • So those are some of my thoughts for 2018.
  • Definitely post your comments down below and give me your thoughts or feedback or ideas for what you would like to see covered as far as educational content related to coccyx pain, tailbone pain, coccydynia, coccygectomy, all of those types of things.
  • So you can post your comments down below if you’re looking for more information.
  • Meanwhile you can find me online at www.TailboneDoctor.com
  • Or if you are looking for a copy of the book, either the paperback copy or the e-book copy, the easiest way to find the links to that if you just go to www.TailbonePainBook.com and it will give you the links to go exactly to the Amazon pages or whatever that matches for your country, so you can get that there.
  • So, I hope that’s helpful.
  • Post your comments down below
  • I look forward to hearing from you and I wish you all the best for a happy and healthy 2018.
  • All right, bye-bye now.
Here is the VIDEO:

Here is a photo screenshot:
Dr. Patrick Foye, MD, discusses 2017 & 2018, regarding educational videos/articles about coccyx pain, tailbone pain, coccydynia

Dr. Patrick Foye, MD, discusses 2017 & 2018, regarding educational videos/articles about coccyx pain, tailbone pain, coccydynia

Tailbone Pain Book:

To get your copy of Dr. Foye’s book, “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!” click on this link: www.TailbonePainBook.com

Tailbone Pain Book cover Foye

Book: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Causes and Treatments for Your Sore or Injured Coccyx” by Patrick Foye, M.D.

Patrick Foye, M.D.
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