Medical Books do NOT include Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain

VIDEO: Medical Books often FAIL to cover Tailbone Pain Coccyx Pain

Transcript of the video:
  • Medical Books often Fail to Cover Tailbone Pain.
  • Patrick Foye, M.D.
  • Okay. Hi. I’m Dr. Patrick Foye, the Director of the Tailbone Pain Center in New Jersey, United States, online at
  • And I’m here at a medical conference, actually in New Orleans, Louisiana, right now.
  • And one of the things I was noticing just looking at some of the different textbooks (medical textbooks: musculoskeletal medicine and pain management) is how few of them have anything about tailbone pain.
  • So I’ll show you that on some of the books inside right here.
  • Okay, this is a book called Physical Diagnosis of Pain, by Steven Waldman, who is well respected for publishing in pain management textbooks.
  • And if we look at the index here in the back of the book… index and going under the letter “C” of course for coccyx pain, we see that it is NOT listed at all.
  • So then you might think that Dr. Waldman’s textbook of “Uncommon” Pain Syndromes might include this. But again if we go to the index of this one… again we see that going alphabetical here again.. coccyx is pain is NOT listed at all.
  • Okay, this book is on “i-Spine” on interventional spine care. You know that the coccyx is part of the spine. But if you go to the index and we look under “C”… we’ve got Cervical, we’ve got Chest, we’ve got Collagen, but NO coccyx.
  • Here’s another example: this one is a book called Orthopedic Imaging by Greenspan, who I can tell you is a well respected author of musculoskeletal imaging books. This book is over eleven-hundred-pages-long and again if we look back to the index and we look under C… we see that the coccyx is NOT included at all! There’s NOTHING about the coccyx in this over 1,100 page book about orthopaedic imaging. Okay, this one is called Fundamentals of Pain Medicine, by Hoppenfeld, also a well-known author in musculoskeletal books. And again if I swing back to the index under “C” and look here there’s nothing on coccydynia within this.
  • Okay, this one is actually a terrific textbook Essentials of Musculoskeletal Care. They’re up to version 5. I had version 1 when I got out of residency myself 20 years ago. It’s actually a fantastic book that’s put out by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
  • So here is the book. But again if we go to the index section here and if we look under “C” for coccyx or coccydynia…
  • Basically, you can see that it does not include anything about coccydynia or the coccyx.
  • So I guess this orthopedic textbook is saying that the coccyx is not one of the “essential” areas of musculoskeletal care, unfortunately.
  • Okay, so hopefully that gives you just some idea about how many many musculoskeletal and pain management medical books and textbooks and procedure guides and all of those kinds of things unfortunately contain little or NOTHING ABOUT TAILBONE PAIN.
  • So, Again just my perspective as a doctor who treats many many patients with tailbone pain. It amazes me how little is known by medical professionals and maybe it’s no surprise because often they’re not taught much about the tailbone in medical school or in residency or fellowship or even in the medical textbooks that they are reading.
  • So, alright that’s all for now, if you want more information on tailbone pain you can certainly find me on my website at
  • Bye, bye.
  • Or to get your copy of the book that I’ve written on tailbone pain, go to
  • This is 272 pages, 31 chapters, all about coccyx pain (tailbone pain), diagnostic workup, treatment, etc.
  • Largely I wrote this because there was not much published in the medical literature.
  • Go to
  • Thank you.


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Book: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Causes and Treatments for Your Sore or Injured Coccyx” by Patrick Foye, M.D.

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