Why not just remove the tailbone in all people with tailbone pain?

You may be wondering… “If I have tailbone pain, why not just have it surgically removed? Why bother trying non-surgical approaches?”

Why not just remove the tailbone right off the bat for people having tailbone pain?
  • My answer would be that the vast majority of patients do well with milder and easier treatments.
  • The milder treatments generally have a faster recovery time and less side effects.
  • For patients who are still having pain despite oral medications, cushions, etc., then I typically use a stepwise approach regarding injections.
    • For example, I often start with a local steroid injection, or sometimes a local steroid injection combined with a ganglion Impar injection (which is a type of sympathetic nerve block).
    • Most patients do well with those injections, obtaining very good relief of their tailbone pain.
    • For those patients who do not get enough relief, then I consider nerve ablation, which deadens or destroys the nerves that are carying the pain.
    • For the limited number of patients who are still not getting enough relief, then I consider surgical consult for possible coccygectomy.
  • The majority of people respond well to one of the simple more-introductory type of injections, so it makes sense to start with those simplest things first and only climb the treatment ladder as far as needed in any individual person’s case.
Regarding complications and side-effects from coccygectomy (surgical removal of the tailbone), please click on the links below:
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To get your copy of Dr. Foye’s book, “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!” click on this link: www.TailbonePainBook.com

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Book: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Causes and Treatments for Your Sore or Injured Coccyx” by Patrick Foye, M.D.

Patrick Foye, M.D.
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