10 Videos on Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain)

See 10 videos on Tailbone Pain

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Here are the individual videos (click to play):

Do you have TAILBONE PAIN (Coccyx Pain)?

Describe TAILBONE PAIN (Coccyx Pain)


Cushions for Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain

Coccyx X-rays for TAILBONE PAIN

SOFT surface hurts tailbone pain more than HARD surface

Coccyx MRI for TAILBONE PAIN (coccyx pain)

Tailbone Pain Book, Available Now

X-rays showing COCCYX FRACTURE (broken tailbone)

Vitamin E: marker for MRI in Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain)


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Tailbone Pain Book:

To get your copy of Dr. Foye’s book, “Tailbone Pain Relief Now!” click on this link: www.TailbonePainBook.com

Tailbone Pain Book cover Foye

Book: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Causes and Treatments for Your Sore or Injured Coccyx” by Patrick Foye, M.D.

Patrick Foye, M.D.
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