Before Tailbone Injections, Look for the Cause of the Coccyx Pain

I am frequently asked  which injections will help most for tailbone pain (coccyx pain). Or doctors  contact me to ask some specifics of the details on how to perform certain injections at the tailbone.

But frequently there is an initial step that has been overlooked.

BEFORE having or performing any tailbone injection, the treating physician should try to find what is CAUSING the tailbone pain.

  • This evaluation involves…
    • carefully listening to the patient’s symptoms (taking a detailed medical history),
    • performing a careful physical exam,
    • as well as properly ordering and inspecting appropriate imaging studies
      • (which can include x-rays done while seated, MRI, CT scan, etc.).

Knowing the cause of the tailbone pain can help the physician and patient figure out which treatment is most likely to be helpful.

For some conditions,  injections are not the answer. For example, if the tailbone pain is being caused by a cancer (malignancy), then injections, if done at all, would only be appropriate as part of a larger treatment of the malignancy itself.

So, before asking what injection to do, it’s good to make sure that a thoughtful and thorough evaluation has been performed by a physician with experience in evaluating and treating coccyx pain.

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Book: “Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Causes and Treatments for Your Sore or Injured Coccyx” by Patrick Foye, M.D.

Patrick Foye, M.D.
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