Sometimes I find that my patients with tailbone pain (coccyx pain, coccydynia) actually have a mass, cyst, tumor, or cancer either within the tailbone itself or in the nearby tissues. Examples can include pilonidal cyst, retro-rectal hamartoma (tailgut cyst), chordoma (a type of bone cancer that tends to happen at the coccyx and is […]
A “bone scan” is a test performed by the nuclear medicine part of a radiology center.
A “Nuclear Medicine Bone Scan” is generally considered to be very good for detecting bone destruction from things like bone cancer (malignancy), bone infection (osteomyelitis), or bone injuries (such as fractures).
If the bone scan is truly being done […]
In the news…
A United States military veteran with tailbone pain (also called coccyx pain, or coccydynia) turned out to have cancer and infection (a pus-filled abscess) in the tailbone region.
This shows the importance of proper medical care and thorough medical work-up.
Here is the news article and video:
(FYI: he’s not […]
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