Which Xray Views are Best for Evaluating Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain? I recently did a video explaining which views are best when doing x-rays (radiographs) for coccyx pain (tailbone pain). Here is the text from that video, and the actual video itself is down below. (The actual video is at the bottom of this page.) […]
The Tailbone (Coccyx) is NOT the Same as the Lumbar Spine. Practically every day, patients with tailbone pain come to see me from around the country or from around the world. Many have faced a similar challenge regarding imaging studies. Specifically, it is unfortunately VERY common that the patient has tailbone pain (coccyx pain, coccydynia), […]
I was recently asked: Do I order sitting-versus-standing coccyx x-rays for patients who have persistent pain after coccygectomy (surgical removal of the coccyx/tailbone).
1) First of all, do we know for sure whether the ENTIRE tailbone has indeed been surgically removed?
If we know for sure that the entire tailbone has been […]
Patients with tailbone pain (coccyx pain, coccydynia) sometimes ask me… “After receiving medical radiation exposure (fluoroscopy, x-ray, etc.), how soon is it safe to get pregnant?” How long after tailbone (coccyx) x-rays or fluoroscopy should I “wait” before getting pregnant? Here is information from the Health Physics Society (“a scientific organization of professionals who specialize […]
For people with Tailbone Pain, the x-rays/MRI/CT-scans often FAIL to even include the Tailbone, even though that is the source of the person’s pain Many patients experience frustration with finding out that their local radiologists/doctors did not even include the tailbone in their imaging studies. As crazy as that is, unfortunately I see this essentially […]
It can be challenging to get to the correct x-rays done in the medical testing for someone with tailbone pain (coccyx pain).
Unfortunately, it is VERY common that the x-rays fail to focus on the area of pain (the coccyx). Unfortunately, the tailbone x-rays include LOTS of other nearby anatomic regions, such as: the thigh […]
It is a shame when people are left suffering in pain for years without the doctor ever even getting imaging studies to look at the painful area.
For tailbone pain (coccyx pain), it is unfortunately very common that people suffer for years without their doctors getting any imaging test to look at the painful area.
Typical MRI and CT scans are normally done in a horizontal position (while you are lying down).
These tests can provide helpful information, BUT in MANY cases the tailbone will look normal while someone is lying down but will be clearly abnormal/dislocated while the person is sitting with her body weight onto the tailbone.