FREE book: Tailbone Pain Relief Now!

FREE book: Tailbone Pain Relief Now! Click below to get it now.

My book publishing team thinks I’m crazy! I’ve worked well over 1,000 hours creating this book over the past 1.5 years. It’s 272 pages, 31 chapters, all about coccyx pain causes and treatments. Written for patients.

So they think I’m crazy to launch […]

3 Different Injections for Tailbone Pain

Multiple different types of injections are done to decrease tailbone pain.

3 of the most common types of tailbone injections: Steroid injection: a steroid is an anti-inflammatory medication that can be placed at a site of inflammation, to decrease the inflammation and pain at that location. Sympathetic nerve block: Sometimes in addition to the musculoskeletal […]

Colonoscopy Causing Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain)

Colonoscopy is a medical procedure where a flexible tube is inserted into the anus and colon.

A camera on the front tip of the tubing allows the doctor to see the inside of your colon, within the large intestines.

Colonoscopy is generally considered to be a safe way of detecting abnormalities such as colon cancers.


What Type of Doctor treats Tailbone Pain?

People with tailbone pain (coccyx pain) sometimes wonder…

What type of doctor treats tailbone pain?

The answer probably depends on where you are within your spectrum of treatment… If you have mild tailbone pain of recent onset, probably your primary physician can handle this adequately by recommending a cushion and pain medications by mouth. If […]

Pain and Pelvic Floor Prolapse after Coccygectomy (Tailbone Removal)

Coccygectomy is surgical removal of the tailbone (essentially amputating the tailbone).

There are not great long-term studies about long-term complications of having the tailbone removed.

The short-term risks include infection at the surgical site, especially in the first few weeks or months after the surgery.

Infection: In some studies up to 20% of patients need […]

Tailbone (Coccyx) MRI: Viewing Your Own Computer CD

If you had an MRI done for your tailbone pain (coccyx pain, coccydynia) you should try to get a copy of the computer CD containing your MRI images.

Ideally you should review the actual images with your treating physician (typically the physician who ordered the MRI). It’s a very bad sign about your treating/ordering physician […]

Motocross Riding Career Ended due to Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain)

In the news…

Ryan Villopoto recently retired from his motocross (motorcycle racing) career due to an April 2015 crash in Italy that reportedly caused multiple tailbone fractures (broken bones of the coccyx) and low back injuries of the lumbar spine.

Villopoto is only 26 years old, but was already an accomplished motorcycle racer, including six-time […]

Tailbone Removal (Coccygectomy): Drains, Antibiotics

Surgical removal of the tailbone (coccyx) is medically known as coccygectomy.

In the United States the coccygectomy surgery would often be considered an outpatient surgery, meaning that you have the surgery in the morning and go home by that evening. But that may vary depending on how someone is doing in the recovery area after […]

Congrats to new M.D.'s at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Congrats today to newly graduated M.D.’s from here at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.

From me: an alum (1992) & now faculty here (since 1996).

Ceremonies were today at NJPAC. Nice to wear the faculty attire for this event.

– Patrick Foye, M.D.

Founder and Director at Tailbone Pain Center […]

I Lectured on Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain)

Last week I was a “Visiting Professor” speaking on the topic of “Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain): Causes and Treatments” at Carolinas Medical Center, in Charlotte, North Carolina.

-Patrick Foye, M.D.

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