Fibromyalgia and Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain, Coccydynia

Fibromyalgia is a very interesting and complex topic in relationship to coccyx pain… Fibromyalgia can worsen the symptoms of coccyx pain: On the one hand, people with fibromyalgia have diffuse/widespread pain throughout multiple areas throughout the body. This can often make it difficult to figure out exactly how much of someone symptoms are coming from […]

Fluid Collection After Coccygectomy, Fluid after Coccyx - Tailbone Removal

Coccygectomy is the surgical amputation, or removal, of the coccyx (removal of the tailbone). After a coccygectomy, it is relatively common to develop a fluid collection at the surgical site. I spoke with a group of European coccygectomy surgeons about this topic when I lectured at the International Coccyx Pain Symposium in 2016 and […]

Midwest Tailbone Pain Lecture was in Chicago, July 24, 2019

On July 24, 2019, Dr. Patrick Foye, MD, gave a Grand Rounds lecture on Tailbone Pain (Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia).

The audience included: Physicians, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists, people suffering from tailbone pain, and others.

Dr Patrick Foye MD, at the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab, (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago: RIC) to Lecture on Coccyx […]

Midwest Tailbone Pain Lecture, in Chicago, July 24, 2019

Tailbone Pain: Lecture in Chicago, Illinois. I’m looking forward to lecturing on Coccyx Pain (Tailbone Pain), in Chicago, Illinois. Grand Rounds Lecture: “Coccyx Pain: Pearls and Pitfalls from Treating Thousands of Patients with Tailbone Pain.” When: Wednesday, July 24, 2019, from 12-noon to 1pm, central time. Where: Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly R.I.C.: The Rehabilitation Institute […]

Great Educational Session on Pregnancy & Childbirth by Ashley Brichter @birthsmarter @beyondbasicspt

Yesterday I attended a great educational session on #Pregnancy & #Childbirth by Ashley Brichter

Ashley is a Certified Cooperative Childbirth Educator, a birth and postpartum doula, and a pelvic health and body-alignment enthusiast.

The talk included discussion of how the position of the coccyx (tailbone) can create problems during childbirth (labor and delivery).

For […]

Kabooti Cushion, for Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain, Coccydynia

Kabooti Cushion, for Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain, Coccydynia Many of my patients with coccyx pain (tailbone pain, coccydynia) ask me what cushion is best to decrease their pain while sitting. There is no perfect answer for all patients. There are many different cushions to consider or try. Recently, I was in a store that sells […]

Toilet Seat Cushion for Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia, Pudendal Nerve Pain, Pudendal Neuralgia.

Toilet Seat Cushion for Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia, Pudendal Nerve Pain, Pudendal Neuralgia. Some patients find that the most comfortable place to sit is to sit on a toilet seat. This is true for some patients with coccyx pain (tailbone pain, coccydynia). This is also true for many patients with pudendal nerve pain (pudendal […]

Sitting on a Couch causes Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain, Coccydynia

Many people with coccyx pain find that couches are terrible for sitting, because even with a cushion the cushion just sinks into the softness of the couch and your tailbone still ends up contacting the sitting surface. So, many people with tailbone pain will avoid couches or sofas. Some people with tailbone pain will […]

Pelvic Pain Lecture by Stephanie Stamas, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist in NYC

I attended a fantastic lecture on Pelvic Pain this week in NYC by pelvic floor physical therapist Stephanie Stamas, PT, DPT, at Beyond Basics Physical Therapy in NYC.

They have upcoming lectures on related topics over the next few weeks.

I definitely recommend attending these if you are in the NYC area and interested in […]

Infection Rates after Coccygectomy, per Published Medical Research

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Foye’s book, Tailbone Pain Relief Now!

Chapter 25: Coccygectomy: Surgical Removal of the Tailbone. Page 197:

“Published research by Dr. Wood (at Harvard Medical School) documented that after coccygectomy as high as 35 percent of patients have postoperative complications including wound problems (infection or persistent drainage). Meanwhile, Dr. […]

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