Sacroiliac Joint Pain versus Tailbone Pain: SI Joint Pain versus Coccyx Pain

The video below will summarize in less than one minute the difference between coccyx pain (tailbone pain) versus sacroiliac joint pain.

The biggest thing is that the coccyx is right at the midline versus the sacroiliac joint which is off to either side right or left.

Also, the coccyx is significantly lower than the […]

Find a Clinician who will TOUCH your Coccyx if you have Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain, Coccydynia

MANY coccyx pain patients tell me that their Doctors NEVER EVEN EXAMINED (touched / palpated) their coccyx.  

This happens all the time! It’s BIZARRE!

IMAGINE someone treating your thumb without ever examining it.  Unthinkable!

Clinicians (primary care, pain or  musculoskeletal specialists, P.T.’s, etc.) should EVALUATE THE SITE OF PAIN!  

Patients DESERVE proper […]

Does the Middle Cluneal Nerve Cause Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain?

I recently watched a video about the middle cluneal nerve as a possible cause of coccyx pain, tailbone pain, coccydynia.

I think that this is possible, but probably very uncommon.

I sometimes treat cluneal nerve pain. It is relatively common to have pain from the SUPERIOR cluneal nerve after bone is harvested from the iliac […]

Fibromyalgia and Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain, Coccydynia

Fibromyalgia is a very interesting and complex topic in relationship to coccyx pain… Fibromyalgia can worsen the symptoms of coccyx pain: On the one hand, people with fibromyalgia have diffuse/widespread pain throughout multiple areas throughout the body. This can often make it difficult to figure out exactly how much of someone symptoms are coming from […]

Pudendal Nerve Pain versus Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain

I was recently asked how do physicians distinguish between pudendal nerve pain (also called “pudendal neuralgia”) and coccyx pain (also called tailbone pain, or coccydynia). Below is a very, very brief overview.

Genital involvement: Pudendal nerve pain usually involves the genitalia region, whereas coccyx pain usually does not. Genital symptoms may include pain, numbness […]

Sacrospinous Ligament, External Palpation on Physical Exam, in Coccyx Pain, Tailbone Pain

Below is a very good video where a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist explains palpation of the sacrospinous ligament on physical exam.

The sacrospinous ligament (SSL) is a connective tissue structure that spans from the sacrum to the ischial spine, hence the name sacrospinous (i.e., sacro – spinous).

However, despite being called the “sacrospinous” ligament, this […]

Is a PILONIDAL CYST Causing Your Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain?

Sometimes, Coccyx Pain (Tailbone Pain) can be Caused by a Pilonidal Cyst… A “cyst” is a collection of fluid. Think of it being like a tiny water balloon. A pilonidal cyst is a particular type of cyst that contains not only fluid but also hair and other debris. The most common location for a pilonidal […]

Neck Pain caused by Tailbone Pain?

Can tailbone problems cause neck pain? Some tailbone problems can cause people to also have pain or stiffness in their neck. The most common form of this is due to abnormal sitting (sitting leaning forwards or to the right or left side, which is done to take pressure off the tailbone). A much less common […]

Hip Pain or Stiffness due to Tailbone Pain, Coccyx Pain

Coccyx pain (tailbone pain) can sometimes cause people to also have pain or stiffness in the hip region. Here’s a recent video on this topic. To reveal the video, click on the image or on the link below:

Video on Hip pain with Tailbone pain

Click here for the VIDEO on Hip Pain […]

How to Distinguish between Sacral Tarlov Cyst Pain and Tailbone Pain

A few months ago I wrote about “Do Tarlov Cysts cause Pain?”

Today’s question is:

How to Distinguish between Sacral Tarlov Cyst Pain and Tailbone Pain

Usually it is not difficult to tell these conditions apart. Here’s how:

Location: The location of a sacral Tarlov Cyst is more than a few inches ABOVE the location of […]

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